Luxury? Assurance? Inconvenience? For different people, travel insurance can be assigned different value. While you may be saving up your cash for accommodation, shopping and sightseeing, it may be worth your time to reconsider how you think of travel insurance. Why? Because in some countries travel insurance can be crucial for visitors.
Before you jet off on that dream vacation you’ve been planning for some time, find out more details about the country you are visiting.
• Road safety: Congested zones, fast lanes, dangerous intersections, confusing or unclear road marks and signs can make travelling really unsafe for all road users. It becomes more unsafe if you are not familiar with the area. Before you plan your trip, make sure that you educate yourself on the ins and outs of using the road safely. Cross only at demarcated areas and drive on the right side of the road. Although not the only ones, road accidents are common in India, Thailand, Kenya and Madagascar. In the event of an accident, make sure you have a travel insurance to cover your hospital bills. Take note that some hospitals, even during emergency, will not treat you without seeing proof of insurance first.
• Crime rates: Travel lightly, stay in crowded areas and try to blend in with the crowd to ensure that you do not become a target. Avoid travelling alone at night and stick with recommended tours to guarantee your physical safety. Also lock your possessions in a safe and lock your luggage when you leave your hotel room. Unfortunately, despite your precautions you may still end up as a victim of crime. It is important for you to cover your assets, especially when travelling to countries like South Africa.
• Busy airport: Countries considered as transit hubs, such as UAE, are well-prepared in managing different visitors from all over the world at any time during the day. It may happen nevertheless that some confusion can occur and your luggage is lost on the way, especially if you are changing flights more than once. This can also happen at small airports such as Seychelles, during peak hours. A travel insurance will help cover your fee when it, unfortunately, occurs.
• Health concerns: Malaria, yellow fever, dengue are the most common health concerns for travelers. While you may have updated your vaccinations, many bug bites cannot be prevented with a vaccine. Avoid certain places where risks of infection are higher and use deterrent methods where possible. Drinking tap water and eating uncooked vegetables are not advisable. If you are travelling to any country in Africa and Asia, read up on the health concerns of each country. If you do fall ill, do not run the risk of a hefty bill and get a travel insurance.
Remember, you can fall ill, get into an accident or be robbed at any time and anywhere in the world, even in America and Europe. Your bills will be just as high if not higher when it does happen. The countries above are only mentioned because they are the most popular destinations for travelers from the Seychelles. This is not a travel advice against any of these countries, but only a travel insurance guidance for those opting to travel there.
Call us for more information on travel insurance!