We take pride in understanding the complexities of the modern world and appreciating the local culture in the community. Hence why over the years, we have introduced a number of products we believe would satisfy the need of our customers within the environment we operate in.
Nevertheless, we do acknowledge that for some people, insurance can be a complicated issue and with time people become less informed on the importance of insurance.
Fret not, here’s a brief explanation on some of our products:
Credit Protection Insurance: Some financial institutions may require you to take out this type of insurance in order to guarantee your loan in case of death or permanent disability. We offer two types of policies: Credit Life for unsecured loans and Mortgage Protection for loans to purchase assets such as houses, cars etc. This type of insurance protects your family or business partner from financial burden in the event you pass away or become permanently disabled. If you were still in the process of paying your loan, but sadly passed away; your family will not have to face the dilemma of paying off your loan or forfeiting the house. In addition, it is a one-off payment which protects you throughout the duration of the loan.
Fire insurance: An insurance which protects your house against the risk of fire, lightning or explosion. Note however that other incidences which causes damage to your house will not be covered such as burglary or burst water pipe.
Health insurance: This insurance covers medical, obstetric care and surgical expenses for inpatient treatment, including overseas treatment. Additional benefits include travel and accommodation for the insured and a family member as well as funeral expenses. Policyholders can opt for area zones for treatment and amount of coverage.
Householder’s insurance: An insurance to protect your house and its contents. There are two types of coverage, one for the building and its fixtures and one for the contents of your home. It is up to you to decide if you wish to purchase one of the two or both. The householder’s covers a broader range of incidents such as fire, lightning, flood, explosion, storm, tempest, burglary, robbery etc.
Motor (private) insurance: Motor insurance is compulsory under the law. Nevertheless, it is very important that you understand the extent of protection your policy offers you. We offer two types of plan: Comprehensive and Third Party insurance. Comprehensive protects both you and a third party in the case of an accidental collision, whereas Third Party insurance, as its name suggests, only provides coverage for damage caused to third parties. The Sacos Comprehensive Motor Insurance provides a very wide range of protections such as legal representation, cover against theft, break ins, explosion etc.
Personal Accident: This insurance provides coverage to you in case of accidental death or bodily injury. You can opt for occupational policy or a 24-hour coverage policy. Compensation will depend on the scale of your injury.
Travel insurance: This insurance provides you with coverage when you are travelling abroad. It basically covers issues such as medical bills, lost luggage or passport, overseas hospitalisation, emergency return trip home in cases of close family death, repatriation of mortal remains if you pass away overseas etc.
Remember that the above is not a detailed description of our insurance products. There are also certain exceptions or what we deem as exclusions contained within respective policies. These exclusions indicate the instances whereby insurance may not cover your claim.
For more information on our products, call us on 429 5000 or email us at info@sacos.sc.