No-one knows exactly how many children are bereaved each year, how many parents die, leaving dependent children. What we do know, is that upon the unexpected passing of a parent, a lot of children are left with financial instability. As a parent, and especially as a mother, we always want to ensure that our children are taken care of even if we are not there to do it ourselves.
That said, we would like to offer some of our insurance products for consideration, products that are tailored to relieve you of worry and help you plan for yours and your children’s future, even one without you.
Life Insurance: A policy pay-out can help in numerous ways: pay off debts, replace lost income, be veered towards a university fund, be used as personal contribution towards a loan, be used as startup capital towards a business venture — the list goes on!
Sacos’ Education Plan: Designed to help you save by means of a small monthly contribution, the policy is taken on your life with your child being named as the beneficiary, and only he or she will be able to receive the money upon maturity. You do not have to worry about someone else profiting from your hard work and your child’s inheritance when you are not around to protect them.
Double Security Plan: As the head of the household, your family relies on you to make all the important financial decisions. You sort out the bills, the rent, groceries and savings. Upon your unfortunate demise, your family will now have to wade through all of the complicated and stressful matters, you used to take care of for them. By getting a Double Security Plan, can ensure that they will not have to needlessly worry about rent, bills and mortgage in your absence.
Sacos Funeral Plan: The Sacos Funeral Insurance Plan is a whole-life, monthly-low-cost protection insurance plan that gives you cover for death as a result of an accident or natural causes. It allows you to have a saving that your family can use to cover the cost of funeral expenses and burial, and covers you as an individual and can cover for your family members (your spouse, parents, and children) as well.
Drop us an email at, visit our website for details of our products and to request quotes from us or pay us a visit at our branches (Maison Esplanade – Victoria, Pension Complex –Baie St. Anne Praslin, Green Corner –Providence) or call us on 429 5000. A life insurance policy that adequately covers your needs is exactly what you need to give you much needed peace of mind and at Sacos we’re here for you.