While we slowly come out of the pandemic, one of the most crucial travel item to have nowadays, in these – you guessed it – unprecedented times, is the Travel Insurance.
Your travel insurance gives you an element of protection and security from unforeseen events, outside of your control.
You may be thinking, as a fit and healthy person, what could possibly happen to me that would necessitate medical coverage under a travel insurance?
For one, catching COVID-19 while abroad!
Since 2020, we have seen how fast COVID-19 can spread and how deadly it can be.
Thankfully, vaccination campaigns around the world and other measures, have considerably slowed down the spread of COVID-19. However, COVID-19 is still one of the most prevalent and deadliest viruses currently around.
This is why we recently added COVID-19 cover as part of our travel insurance package. Remember, you can still catch COVID-19 (and spread it) despite being vaccinated.
In the event, you are hospitalised, quarantined or treated for COVID-19, your travel insurance will cover the related expenses, without seriously affecting your travel budget or savings.
What’s more, we also cover other hospitalisation and medical expenses!
If you get into an accident or you suddenly fall sick whilst on your trip, your travel insurance will cover the related medical bills. This is really crucial as in some places, hospitals may refuse treatment without confirmation of insurance on your side. Having a travel insurance can sometimes be the difference between life and death.
Other benefits in emergencies!
The benefits of Sacos Travel Insurance is wide-ranging. It includes coverage for emergency medical evaluation, if required.
It also includes coverage to allow a family member to fly over and stay with you while you are hospitalised. The insurance covers the flight and accommodation cost, on top of covering your hospital stay.
There’s more!
In the event of your passing or the passing of your close family member travelling with you, your Sacos Travel Insurance will cover the cost of repatriation of your or their remains.
Without insurance, these expenses such as below can quickly add up and really affect your finances or that of your family’s:
- Consultation
- Quarantine
- Hospitalisation
- Treatment
- Emergency travel and accommodation
- Repatriation of body to home country
You do not have to take on debt because a bad situation happened to you while you were abroad, when your Travel Insurance can cost as little as SCR260.
For more information on Sacos Travel Insurance, call us on 429 5000 or send an email to general@sacos.sc. You can also request a quote online.