Personal Accident

Accidents happen. No matter how careful you are.

Our Personal Accident Cover provides immediate benefits to cover any loss caused by an accident in Seychelles.

Personal Accident is an insurance policy which provides cover against accidental death or bodily injury.

Compensation is based on a schedule of benefits which is determined by the degree of the injury. Benefits include compensation for Temporary Total and Temporary Partial Disablement and Permanent Total Disablement or death.


> Simple
No medical tests required – immediate cover.

> Flexible
Choose between 24-hours Coverage, or an occupational basis

> Affordable Premium

Stories & tips for everyday life


Our clients most frequently asked questions

What is covered under the Personal Accident policy?

> Temporary Partial Disablement which prevents the Assured from attending to a substantial part of their business or occupation**

> Temporary Total Disablement which entirely prevents you from attending to your business or occupation.

> Permanent Total Disablement***

> Death

**Compensation is based on schedules of Benefits
***2.5% of the sum insured paid per week, or your actual weekly income
whichever is the lower for a period not exceeding 52 weeks.

What is not covered under Personal Accident?

> Any unlawful act by the insured

> Effect or influence of drugs / alcohol etc.

> Dangerous sports like rock climbing, mountaineering, skin diving etc.

> War, invasion or act of enemy etc.

> Pre-existing disability or injury

> Regular or temporary military or police duty