A lot of people are hesitant to take out a home insurance as they believe that premiums are high. For one, it isn’t! But there are also ways to help keep your premium low, whilst retaining the same coverage.
For starters, you can ensure that all your insurance policies are with the same company. You can get a discount on your premium if you have an existing policy with us.
Secondly, ask us about our corporate partnerships. You may be surprised to find that you can benefit from some of our existing partnerships. For e.g., you can pay for your insurance using your Cable points with a Cable Privilez card.
Also check with your company if they have a partnership agreement with Sacos, as a staff you may be eligible to receive a discount on your insurance.
Most importantly, be sure to keep your home safe. We cannot stress this one enough, mostly because it concerns your safety: Improve your home security! As a low-risk client, you may be eligible for a claim bonus.
Here are some ways to ensure that your home is safe:
- Get a smoke detector – luckily we are giving away a smoke detector to all new and renewing customers!
- Get a burglar alarm and burglar’s bar for your home.
- Install an in-house sprinkler system.
- Fire-proof your home – check electrical wires, inflammable materials etc. around your home.
N.B: Never underinsure your property simply to lower your insurance premium.
what is a spingler in house system/
It is basically a device that is installed in your home which helps to put out the fire. The sprinkler will automatically turn on if fire is detected inside the home. This helps to reduce the damage caused by fire.