As a big company in Seychelles, it is a great honour for us to be able to give back to the community we serve. For us, it is a way to contribute towards the development of our people and our country.
In the past we have put a lot of focus on youth and sports. We do it because we believe that sports can play a big role in developing the talent and skills of our people. We have thus provided our support to teams, tournaments and championships. We have also supported conservation efforts, vulnerable people in society, children’s causes, amongst many others.
There is no one set way for undertaking community service. Your actions can help to make a difference in society whether it is by dedicating your labour and time to a cause or sensitising and raising awareness on critical societal issues which require our urgent attention. Your act can even be as simple as a gesture of donation to support a worthy cause. You can also learn more about a particular issue and through your own personal improvements effect change around you.
Which cause to support? Indeed there are many causes out there worthy of our attention and support. You may be wondering how or which organisation should you dedicate your time to. An easy start is to find something that is personally meaningful for you or that you feel really strongly about. It can be youth, environment, culture, poverty alleviation, domestic abuse, drugs and other substance abuse, human rights, disabilities, eliminating pollution etc. Whichever cause you support will contribute towards the development of your community.
If you want to get involved and you do not know how to, check out CEPS website for a list of civil society organisations you can support. If you have a foundation, association or club that is helping to make big changes in the country, send us an email or letter and we may consider your projects.