When deciding on buying an insurance policy, one of the big questions that looms in your mind is “how much premium will I have to pay?” (A premium is the amount you pay on a monthly or yearly basis for your insurance policy.)
We have made this process easier for you. Now, at your own convenience, you can calculate the premium on your Junior Plan policy.
Our new online calculator takes the guesswork out of your planning, giving you an answer: right here, right now!
Where can I access the calculator?
You can find access it on our website under the Junior Plan section (https://www.sacos.sc/here-for-you/life-assurance-plans/)
What does it do, exactly?
It calculates the premium you will have to pay based on the information you provide on the following:
- Sum assured (the amount you want your child to receive upon maturity)
- term years (the length of time of the policy until maturity)
- age (your current age if you are over 35 years of age; everyone below 36 years can enter the number 35 as it carries the same rate)
- premium option (you can decide between a monthly, quarterly, biannually or yearly payment)
What happens next?
The calculator will instantly calculate your premium! That easy!
The calculator is not a ploy to redirect you to our agents. You can contact our agents and officers afterwards to get the process started for the Junior Plan. When you meet with us, there are other underwriting conditions which can affect the final quotation you receive, as well as taxes and processing fees:
Why is this necessary?
We figure that since you have spent all that time doing your research, and have finally come to the conclusion that buying the Junior Plan is a huge step towards getting essential protection for your children, then the least that we can do is provide you with information in real time. We are always looking for ways to improve our services and bring our services closer to you.
If you would like more information on our Junior Plans you can download the brochure on our website, pay us a visit at our branches (Maison Esplanade – Victoria, Pension Complex –Baie St. Anne Praslin, Green Corner –Providence) or call us on 429 5000 or send an email to info@sacos.sc.