Sure, they’re probably not going to be jumping for joy when you tell them that Santa didn’t get them as many toys this Christmas because he purchased a life insurance plan in their name, but we can guarantee they’ll definitely be thanking you when the time comes to cash in on that policy!
And let’s face it: we spend so much time talking about the reasons why adults need life insurance that it’s easy to forget why it may be a good idea for you to insure your children as well, and when would be a better time than this festive season?!
The fact is Life insurance policies “grow up” too. A great reason to invest in a junior plan is to ensure that your children are covered from the start. Everyone’s health changes, including children’s, and having a policy in place can ensure they’ll have the coverage they need, despite health changes.
In addition it creates a sensible foundation; young adults tend to have a lot of expenses: university fees, car purchase etc… The cash value of a policy can be greatly beneficial in these circumstances!
So your child might not understand the value of your gift now, but we can guarantee that they will in future!
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Alternatively you can call us on 429 5000 or send an email to and an officer will be more than happy to assist you!